Is an shopping site for Curls women.


Multiracial/Biracial Hair Care Products for Naturally Curly Hair


The Company - The Founder - The Vision

Curls is a premium, ethnic hair care company whose purpose is to deliver quality products that cater to the unique needs of today's multi-ethnic market. It is the first line of hair care products truly created specifically for biracial/multiracial women and girls with naturally curly hair.

Mahisha Dellinger, a multi-ethnic woman and the founder of Curls, understands the need of naturally curly hair. Her passion for hair care began at an early age. Finding the right products for her curly hair type posed an interesting challenge…a challenge that was rarely victorious, but always costly. The products that claimed to be THE solution for her curly hair were not created with her hair type in mind. She became exhausted from her search for the "right product" for her naturally curly hair.

While the multi-racial population continued to grow, there were not any products on the market created just for mixed women and girls. Therefore, Mahisha was forced to create her own kitchen concoctions to meet her hair care needs. Soon friends and family began to request samples of her homemade coconut oil treatments, jojoba moisturizer, and leave in conditioner.

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6829 Gloria Dr
Sacramento CA 95831 US

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