
Cormican Irish Homepage - The Original


It all started in 1996 when I worked for an ISP in Minnesota (USA) and decided to register my last name as a domain name. With my wife's strong background in the irish history and culture, she peaked my interest in researching my family surname and I began searching on many websites, reading books, and even traveling to Ireland to find out where my ancestors came from. While doing all of this, I decided to create a website for all of us Cormicans to help communicate with each other in our efforts to find our family history and maybe see if our historical timelines crossed each other.

In designing this website, my goal was to create a central point for all of us to communicate from all over the world and give each other a helping hand. Some of us have hit dead ends and are out searching for others who may help us unlock those secrets. There are many areas of the Internet that provide genealogy research, some are good, and some are bad. With this website, we can all bring our resources together and find out how far back we go.

Someday, I hope we can all gather together from around the world and do one hugh family reunion. Maybe pick a country, a date, and do an International Cormican Family Reunion. I would hope Ireland would be the first place on the list. Someday we may be able to accomplish this. Meet those we have chatted online and finally put a face to that person.

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Donovan, M.
Apple Valley MN
United States 55124

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