
CookPerfect.Com Gourmet and Specialty Foods


CookPerfect.Com uses the secure servers of SAFE-ORDER.NET, used daily on over 100,000 e-commerce web sites. Our shopping cart automatically accesses the secure server when you arrive at the payment information page of the order process, encrypting (scrambling into a 128-bit code) your delivery & payment information so that it cannot be read as it travels between your browser and the secure server. This page may seem to be "slower", but that's due to the encryption taking place. Please be patient.

Information for shipping purposes only (name, address, contact phone number) must be sent to our few suppliers that ship their products directly to our customers; that information does not include the payment information or email address of the customer.

CookPerfect.Com arranges vendor opportunities for the Chef's Hook™ BBQ Tool. For information on retail sales of the Chef's Hook™ at your store, please email Subject: Chef's Hook Retail Inquiry.

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