



Additional Information:Consensus polling process summary

Initially, even before the dynamic document has begun, everyone interested in participating sets their status to "NotYet". Gradually, participants begin to set their status to "Yes" when they feel their opinions have been efficiently expressed and included in the dynamic document. The document evolves and changes while participants strive to build a consensus. Eventually, the GoThresholds are reached, as the number of participants increases, and the document grows to include the views of most participants. The DoneTimer clock starts ticking every time the GoThresholds are crossed. However, the timer is reset whenever the document is edited; and is stopped if we fall below the threshold levels. We are done when the DoneTimer expires.

Want to get more involved?

Consensus Poll Enthusiast

Anyone can be a Consensus Poll Enthusiast!

A consensus poll enthusiast is someone who easily recognizes situations which require the assistance of ConsensusPolling for their resolution. Moreover, such a person is passionate about the use of consensus polls, and has the ability to initiate and formulate polls according to the specifications of that case. The responsibilities of a consensus poll enthusiast include:

  • Finding situations where consensus polling are necessary and appropriate
  • Formulation of the StaticContract
  • Encourage community members to participate in the process


this feels more intoductory than concluditory - maybe this page can go away?

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