Community Mission Statement

OurWork (??) Community Mission Statement (MarkDilley) OLDOLD

Welcome all logged-in people, provide world class assistance, facilitate peer review of all RecentChanges and increase the number of active members. Recruit and sustain a vibrant volunteer community.

Community is important?


We want to grow community?

  • How do we grow community on an internet wiki like ours?
  • How do we decide how inclusive to be?

Why we're here

The Community Team is here to do two simple things: promote and support the AboutUs community. Here's how we hope to go about it (please feel free to add to this list or modify it):

  • To promote the sense of community
  • To support
    • Provide support by phone, e-mail, IRC
    • Monitor Recent Changes
    • Handle tough situations together: Tough Cases
    • Be a good citizen of the worldwide wiki community by ... (something)

Our Holy Grail


  1. Create Development Mission Statement
  2. Create Operations Mission Statement


What is the value to our business to have community?

What are the roles

we need to have to fullfil this mission statement goal

Wiki ambassador
community lead / wiki builder
routinely figure out how recurring community tasks are valuable or quality
leading thinking about what other ideas we can do to grow the community
mentor the wiki way
show and tell important wiki stories
organizing OurWork
Build and maintain wiki community participating
facilitating community communications

Wiki Community Builder tasks

customer service
peer reviewers
constructive edits / un-constructive
Feature nominations
feature nurturing
feature writing
phone service
irc help channel
our work process participation
planning and tracking

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