
- CoasterStone® - "Art that's truly absorbing."


Product Line: Absorbent decorative coasters and trivets as well as other gift products, including, recipe boxes, accordion file folders, spoon rests, bookends and more.

Company History: A Family Effort

Hindostone was founded in 1821 as a manufacturer of whetstones, natural stones that food purveyors, butchers, cooks and merchants used for sharpening knives. When cheaper man-made stones replaced their natural counterparts, Hindostone re-emerged in the 1950’s as a manufacturer of cuticle removers used by professional manicurists. In 1983, Jay and Sandy Peacock bought the company, which was located in Southern Indiana. Proud new business owners, the two sons brought home evidence of their new acquisition-some unused pieces of sandstone they found in one of the abandoned warehouses. With martini in hand, Jay and Sandy’s father performed a number of “fatherly” quality assurance tests on the sandstone and surmised that it was not durable enough to tile floors or bathtubs. But when he set his drink on one of the pieces and discovered that the stone absorbed the moisture from his martini glass, he urged his sons to start a coaster business using the porous stone. Very shortly thereafter, CoasterStone was born, the first truly absorbent coaster. Inventors of the category, the company later introduced sandstone trivets and now many new products.

Signature Artwork

CoasterStone offers the widest selection of art available in the marketplace. With over 2,000 designs to choose from, CoasterStone can satisfy any style or preference. Coasters feature licensed artwork from nearly 50 artists, including Cheri Blum, David Carter Brown, Fabrice DeVilleneuve, Frank Lloyd Wright, Paul Brent and Warren Kimble.

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