
Citizen Against Lies!


Excerpted from the website:

Welcome from Shelly , the writer of this blog. I’m a Minnesota progressive liberal and I’m tired of partisan politics and our conservative media. I had been podcasting political viewpoints since August, 2005 until recently. I originally found I had a need to express my opinion on political issues because of the mess the people in our government have made of things. I decided to end the podcast for many reasons, one of which is that I discovered I can’t change things and the situation in the U.S. is so corrupt and getting worse that we need to hit bottom before we can start over, and we do need to start over. All the protests and petition signing in the world won’t help what is wrong with the U.S. We can’t fix the system we currently have. We have to start over with a socialist president or at least someone more liberal, and at the very least someone other than current moron in the White House right now. The Democrats have turned out to be only slightly better than the Republicans, but unable to fight for anything they claim to believe in. Sure, they look good on paper, but they are part of the establishment in power and therefore they are part of the problem. They are also without any backbone whatsoever. Look elsewhere, folks. The Democrats aren’t the answer.
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St. Cloud MN 56303 US

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