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Church of God - Church of God Columbiana


Excerpted from the website:

Hello, my name is Rick and am currently married to my lovely wife Debbie and have two children. We are a small family who are striving to come out of this world of religious and political confusion symbolized in the Bible as the term Babylon (Rev. chapters 17 and 18). My wife was baptized in 1980, and I was baptized in 1987 into the Worldwide Church of God, a Sabbath keeping Christian church raised up by Herbert W. Armstrong in the late 1920's out of small Sabbath keeping churches in Oregon. He believed that he was the head of the Philadelphia era of God’s church in Rev. 3:7-13 that would proclaim the true gospel of the kingdom of God just before Christ’s second coming. Many of his doctrines were unique from traditional Christianity. He taught that the Trinity, immortality of the soul, heaven as the reward of the saved, eternal torture in hellfire, and the keeping of such holidays as Christmas and Easter were of false pagan origins dating back to the ancient Babylonian Mystery Religion over 4,000 years ago began by a woman called Semaremis, the wife of Nimrod who founded the city of Babel. Mr. Armstrong believed that God was an expanding family beginning with Jesus, the firstborn Son of God from the dead, and would soon include the billions of men and woman who have ever lived and died on the earth since the time of Adam. He taught that the Catholic church was the great harlot of Rev. 17, and the Protestant churches that came out of her were her harlot children. He proclaimed that the U.S. and Britain were the two sons of Joseph: Manasseh and Ephraim who received the physical birthright blessings promised to Abraham upon his unconditional obedience to God, and that they would ascend to world greatness; withheld until this day and age. He believed that the 3 tithes of the O.T. were still in force as well as the law of clean and unclean meats. He above all taught that the 10 Commandments, including the keeping of the seventh day physical Sabbath, and the yearly seven annual O.T. Sabbaths that he proclaimed were the seven step plan of the salvation of all mankind were binding on Christians for salvation, as well as the belief in Christ as one's Lord and Savior.
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