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We really don't have much to tell. As we said on the home page, Our aim is to bring you the finest conservative Christian writings that are in the public domain. Books which are either instructional or inspirational or both. We do this as a service to you who believe, and to you who earnestly seek Truth. This is our feeble attempt to glorify God.

We have nothing to sell on this site. We're unregistered non-profit. While it is our dream to be able to publish full-time, we submit to God and "work with our hands that which is good ..." If He chooses to provide a benefactor, He will do so in His time and according to His purpose.

Our earnest prayer is that you will find these writings by the real Workers in God's vineyard to be a blessing in your life. That they might draw you closer to God and help you in your search for Truth.

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