
Tinderbox Herbal Products Western Australia


The Tinderbox is a small, earthy business based on herbalism. It evolved from a deep love of plants and a fascination to explore the myriad ways of creating usable products from them to use for family and friends. In 1982, there were very few natural products on the market. We opened a shop in the township of Balingup West Australia; an unusual shop as people discovered. The business blossomed as more people came to the Tinderbox to try these pure plant products that really seemed to work. Through positive word of mouth and no advertising, the business grew "organically" from strength to strength, reaching more concerned and discerning people through select, compatible outlets; mainly health stores. The commitment to use only quality ingredients from the plant world and to ensure the end product is not corrupted with any hidden chemical additives has remained a salient objective of the business to this day.

Being in the Tinderbox can ignite a spark of knowing, like tuning in to a common wellspring of plant lore that is inherently part of being human. Somehow people recognise this when they smell and feel the products; it is like they could have made them themselves, so familiar are they. Indeed, plants do possess a chemical intelligence that speaks directly to the human organism. It is this symbiosis between plants and humans that we explore and develop.

The Tinderbox range includes: a comprehensive range of herbal teas for most common ailments and simple enjoyment, gorgeous skin-care products, herbal remedies for effective and simple home treatment, home accessories, natural incense, seductive, pure plant perfumes, a delicious gourmet collection, divinely smelling massage oils for every type of use, aphrodisiac and pregnancy products as well as aromatherapy options.

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