
Chase Oriental Rugs


The art of handmade Oriental rugs dates back 2500 years, and the techniques for the making of today's contemporary hand knotted rugs remain the same and define what Oriental rugs are.

The process begins by shearing the finest sheep's wool and washing it free of lanolin. The wool is then "carded" to straighten the fibers and then spun. Next the wool is dyed in giant boiling vats as many as twenty times by master dyers and then hung to dry. Each part in the process is considered an art in itself Oriental rugs differ from all other rugs in one important respect: their pile, the part we walk on, is tied to the rug's foundation, rather than merely glued to it or passed through the foundation, as is the case with machine-made rugs. This explains why Oriental rugs last much longer: their pile endures until the rug's foundation is worn through. Weavers tie already dyed pieces of yarn to a rues foundation by hand, and hence oriental rugs are known as hand-knotted carpets. An Oriental rug is the aggregate of the knots tied in it, and, its pile constitutes two ends of each knot.

At the same time that weavers are securing the pile material to the foundation, they are creating designs by alternating the colors of yarns they tie. Rug designs are inspired by the world surrounding the artisans, both contemporary and historic. Gardens, mountains, forests, shrines, hunting grounds and animals all play a part in the rug maker's vision. Weaver's work from design sketches called "cartoons". Nomadic weavers most often work from memory of designs passed down from generation to generation.

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