is an investment portal with tools, articles & charts - good tools and good ideas for investing helps investors in many ways.

Technical Analysis's first tool helps technical analysis for almost all stock of the world. For more info: [[1]]

Special investment Analysis

Chartoasis Sesame helps investing with long term analysis, return-reward comparison and seasonality analysis in order to eg.: highlight Santa Claus Rally effect. [[2]]

Help with market data

We have worked with market data a lot and we will do so in the future as well. So we can help you to get market data, or to find out more about it. In order to find market data we suggest visiting this [[3]] and this [[4]] page.

Instant charts

Whether you are looking for commodity [[5]], forex [[6]] or index [[7]] charts you will find it easily in our well organized subpages.


As active investors and developers of investing tools since 2007 we have a lot of experience to share. Our articles [[8]] are of an unique aspect.

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