
ChannelsIndia - Technology News for IT Distributors, Resellers, VARs, Channel Partners

Description is the portal covering strategy, technology trends, product reviews, and corporate news for the Solution Providers, Technology Integrators, Value Added Resellers (VARs), ISVs and ISPs.

Target Audience

         IT Professionals
         Corporate Management
         Small-Medium Business
         The Channel (Solution Providers, SIs, VARs, ISVs and ISPs)
         Gaming Maniacs
         Technology & Learning
         Electronic Consumers 

What is a Channel ?

Known collectively as the channel, these value-added resellers (VARs), consultants, application developers, integrators, ISVs and ISPs design, develop, build, integrate, manage and advise about complex technological innovations for customers ranging from local small businesses to large corporations and even to local, state and national government.

         IT/e-Business consultants
         System Integrators, VARs
         Software Developers
         Service Providers (ASP, MSP, ISP, SSP, xSP)
         Communications/Telephony Integrators
         Network Integrators, VARs
         Custom Systems Builders/White Box
         Web Integrators, Internet Specialists 

Focus on Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs)

As a result of globalization and liberalization, coupled with WTO regime, Indian SMBs have been passing through a transitional period. Those SMEs who have strong technological base, international business outlook, competitive spirit and willingness to restructure themselves shall withstand the present challenges and come out with shining colours to make their own contribution to the Indian economy.

Small and medium enterprises account for much of the vitality of the Indian economy. This segmentation is attractive to marketers as it is able to fuel economic growth and exploit the rapid changes in technology.

“The rapid rise of the Indian IT industry as a world-class technology center has benefited the overall domestic market by driving awareness of evolving Internet and IT solutions among Indian SMBs” said Andy Bose, CEO and Founder of AMI Partners. According to Bose, Indian MBs, have the highest proportion of businesses among the five leading Asia-Pac countries (Australia, China, India, Japan and South Korea), that believe in the “positive business potential” of the Internet, e.g., improving customer relationships. Similarly, over half of small businesses believe that the Internet will strengthen their relationships with customers. A little less than half of Indian SMBs are also interested in industry-specific Internet portals offering them tailor-made services.

A strong technology and marketing team makes as an ideal platform to showcase your product. In the next step toward creating a strategy that will increase sales while improving the bottom line for its channel partners, provides a platform to develop and execute a plan intended to drive more sales through the partner channel.

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