
Cebu Hash House Harriers


In July 1997 Pothole (Barry Warnock), Stubbles (Peter Vivian) and Mrs. Stubbles (Karen Vivian) had this whacko idea of setting up the Cebu kennel. At the first meeting, some 30 potential hasher's turned up and the first run was set for August 9th .. and sure as shit, it happened.

What a sight it was, 28 of Cebu's finest drinkers and runners, all wound up on "go-fast" juice .. waiting for the first ON-ON, which happened right on 4:17 pm. That was probably as close as we ever got to starting at our appointed hour of 4 pm. The original Missmanagement Committee was made up of:

The first run started from The SandTrap, which we all now fondly call "The Chapel" (or the 'Kennel) and went On-Up through Maria Luisa housing estate. Furnicator did the checking (and did till Run #461, the FRB !!). The trail wandered through some well used path's and tracks, through the back of the Army Camp, through another hosing development and eventually into what is now our favorite sewer. After a quick dash up a goat path and through a local "village", where the kids joined in with a few ON-ON's, we arrived back at On-Home for our first .. and eagerly anticipated Down-Down. It's all been down hill from there.

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Woody Petrea
Savannah Georgia
United States 31405

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