
WARNING: This site contains pro-pedophilia content and is not suitable for children. Could possibly have illegal content and contains content inappropriate for AboutUs.

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Christian Boylove Forum


Excerpted from the website:

Most Christian boylovers find themselves in the position of having no one to turn to who shares their faith as well as their sexual feelings. This board attempts to fill that gap by providing a friendly, safe place where we can be honest about our feelings and struggles with sexuality and faith, without fear of destructive criticism or harassment. This is a place for mutual encouragement, support, and advice, as we seek to deal with our sexuality and society's reaction to it in responsible and healthy ways, to live out our lives with integrity, and to express our faith in a way that honors God and demonstrates the love of Jesus Christ to all people.
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6595 St-Hubert, PO Box 59054
Montreal QC H2S 3P5 Canada

User Review

This is a pedophile forum board for men attracted to young biys and are also Christian.

For more information see:


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