
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan Realm of Canada


Excerpted from the website:

Brothers and Sisters, as the Christmas season approaches us quite quickly, I would like to take this time to send a Seasons Greetings out to all members and supporters of the BOK. It has been a great year of accomplishments for this organization and I myself could not have been prouder of the members we have and the dedication you have all shown to securing the future of the White Race. As the new year approaches, I look forward to continuing to battle the struggles we face. Here in Canada, we have made great advancement for the organization we love so much . I thank all our Brothers and Sisters to the South for their continuing guidance and support for this Realm of Canada as we work to secure The Great White North once again. Lately there has been a lot of media interest in the BOK in Canada. I ask all members if approached by the media (especially one person in particular by the name Hugo Lavoi of the CBC) to ignore them and not give him any comments what so ever. This man has harassed me at my home and place of work and is not to be trusted. I believe he only wants to harm us and twist the truth around of what the BOK is truly all about. He is to be consider an enemy of the cause and any member found speaking to him will be banished from this organization immediately. Now I would like to take this time to talk about Christmas to our members as I am sure all of you are out shopping and spending tons of money. Let us not forget what Christmas is truly all about. The main stream media and the stores have truly forgotten what this time is about and I urge all members that this time is not about how many gifts you can buy or who can put on the best Christmas party. This is a time to celebrate the Birth of Christ and remember the sacrifices he made for this great Christian nation. This is a time to surround yourselves with love of your families and to celebrate the good and bad times we have shared together and to lend a helping hand to other Christian families who might not be as fortunate as some of us. This is a time for compassion Brothers and Sisters and not selfishness if there is someone around you who has no family for Christmas I would expect members to open theirs doors to them. It is like Romans twelve tells: if the enemy is hungry we will feed them. For this is the Christian way of doing things and is also the way I would expect all Klansmen to act. We only grow stronger by taking care of each other. We are the children of Christ and by doing this we carry on the will of God to other people this is a season. It is about remembering the Greatness of God and not what we have received in material gifts. These material gifts wear out and lose their luster over time. But the love and Guidance of God stays with us a lifetime over. So now is the time of year to surround yourselves with the love of family and to embrace the unconditional love of God. The Gift he has given us over time is the gift of life. It is far more precious than a gift from a store. We have received the gifts of Faith, Patience and Dedication. God has hand chosen the soldiers he wants to fight for Christianity. These are the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. You and I, Brothers and Sisters. So in ending... I hope this address finds all Klansmen and Klanswomen doing well. My prayers and wishes go out to the soldiers who fight for this great Christian nation. I pray that you all come home safe and sound to your families. We will all be thinking of you in our prayers and please take the time to worship Christ for that is what Christmas is truly about. Merry Christmas to all members and supporters of the Brotherhood of Klans and God Bless you and your families.
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