is Calendula Ayurvedic and Medical Clinic

We are convinced that by combining the experience of Ayurveda with the achievements of modern medical science, it is possible to eliminate the factors triggering physical and psychic disorders. This way healing may become more human centred, thus more effective. We have been applying the synthesis of these two systems for more than 16 years and the results encourage us to develop further keeping the interest of our patients in mind.

In Sanskrit Ayurveda means the science of life. It was born 4,000 years ago and it became the source of Greek and Arabic medicine, that is the fathers of modern academic medicinal science.

In the 21st century Ayurveda is a science receiving increasing attention because its methods are able to cure disorders which are resistant to other healing methods giving a chance to the person to achieve the pleasure of clear consciousness, happiness and to reach a peace of mind.

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