
CDN Today is a community of family-friendly websites & users. It is designed especially as a Christian alternative social networking sites such as Facebook(tm). The combination of free web hosting, social interaction, direct messaging between users, user-activity streams and discussion forums make this one of the most exciting opportunities available to families today.

Ray Waldo. The CDN Today Network is offered as a free gratis service by its founder, owner & webmaster: Ray Waldo. To read a short bio of Ray's life, click here.

We provide both a "Facebook-like" social interaction & fully-functional website hosting. All for free to qualified individuals and Christian organizations. (Any registered user may qualify for a free website.)

Websites on this network are not required to be "devotional" or "religious" in nature. We offer a wide array of topics but all of our sites are both Family-friendly and Christian-friendly. All sites are G-Rated and offer quality content that is uplifting and encouraging for all members of the family. For more info about the qualifications, see our Terms of Service page.

Events Calendar: As a community, we "get together" for various occasions. To view our Calendar of events, click here. To add an event to our calendar, leave a comment for Ray with the details of the event.

There are many reasons why some individuals and churches have not begun an Internet website. We have developed CDN Today to help you avoid them.

Check out the site at or the Facebook (tm) Page at - Twitter updates at

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