
OurWork (4 hrs) BuildOutAboutUsWikiPage / _ (YOU)

People working on this


Build an exciting wiki page; overhaul the current one and craft somethng totally fresh that we can add to and keep current- after all we expect others to do the same with their wiki pages.

How does this build community?

We can have a great, current and timely wiki page to use as an example of what a wiki page can be. Moreover, we can as Tak (actually Ray) says "eat our own dogfood"- yeech and lead by example.

Why is this important

According to the numbers Ward and I looked at on Google Analytics on 11-26, the page had some 3,000 unique views over a 10 day period. This equates to some 300 different people looking at this WikiPage a day. It needs to be an exemplar, in part because it already is the sample WikiPage that people are viewing (and yeah, let's eat our own dogfood). -- Tak

Done When

We contribute to make our wiki page great and when we have a rocking wiki page we are done. We are not getting the most out of our toolkit nor do we keep the page fresh and updated.

Useful Links

Add reviews, maybe monthly highlights of the very best of the Buzz, new hires, ...ideas?


I really want to hear your ideas. Kasey 14:51, 28 November 2007 (PST)

Tak and I worked together on the AboutUs wiki page a bit yesterday, mostly reworking and reordering the sections.

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