
Bryan Hightower


Happiness... just around the corner! After a move to New England we have found little time for recreation. The apartment seach has finally come to a conclusion in the North End where we will hopefully enjoy employment indefinitely. I finally got a job as a manager at a bank and Diana is influencing healthcare policy in Washington DC! Nuptual planning has gone well, largely no thanks to me, and is nearly complete. Ta ta.

Your goal, of course, is to be the last person to leave the bar at closing time. This will be impossible, since a blood alcohol content of .50 equals death, and you should be pushing a .35 or .40 by now.

The only way for a true Irishman to leave a bar before closing time with honor is to be hauled away by the police. Throw a punch . It doesn't matter who you hit or why; no one's made any sense since 3 o'clock, anyway. You will be beaten mercilessly, since your fine motor control has been gone since the late morning, but it doesn't matter since you can't feel anything.

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