
From destitution to PhD in 12 months | Bryan Richard . Com | Bryan Richard


Excerpted from the website:

Flashback to January 22, 2002. Two days prior, I was holding Dad's hand as he succumbed to terminal cancer. If you're fortunate not to have joined "the club" of those who have lost someone very close, it's impossible to relate the agony you feel the moment you learn, or in my case watch, your loved one's existence on planet Earth come to an end. In my case, I was losing my father, the man who I had held as my hero during my childhood and adolescence, and who had grown to be one of my best friends in adulthood. He was only 58 when he died, and I was still in the midst of my physics PhD program. Dad would never see me graduate, or fulfill the dreams his life, work and endless support had allowed me to pursue. My life was about to change forever.
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