is Real estate listing in the New England region.


Pennsylvania Realtors and Harrisburg, York, Poconos,Carlisle, Mechanicsburg, Hershey, Dillsburg, Dauphin, Middletown, Etters Area Homes for Sale.

Why work with us?

Well to start with, we're not your typical Realtors®, we're tech savvy and responsive to your needs. Our Customer Care Team is one of a kind, our firm values your business so much that the Care Team checks in with you every 3 to 4 weeks to make sure you are getting the service and information you need.

Sellers are all provided "Virtual Tours" for your property listing, plus a unique URL for a web page for just your property, a way to login 24/7 to check on just how well the marketing is doing, and you are able to to add your own comments and even photos to your properties description.

Buyers you will enjoy Free mortgage pre-approval, in-house settlement services, a FREE warranty on all homes over $99,900 (not available with other offers), ability to digitally sign contract documents from wherever you are, not to mention great service from our Buyers Agents.

All of our Realtors®, are 100% commission. That means if they do not write the agreement of sale for you they don't get paid. Same thing applies when they list your property, if it does not sell they make less than "nothing" as they are out their time, and money used to market the property, gas, insurance, etc.. So please, respect our Realtors® time and effort. Like you, we expect to get paid for our work.

Our ability to transact business over the web saves you time and money! If you live in Manhattan and are selling your property in the Pocono's for example, we can handle everything for you over the web and have your check mailed to from settlement! No need to drive in the car for two hours!

Check out all the "extras" we provide our customers... Advantages.




Camp Hill PA
United States 17011

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