Antique cameras and accesories based in US

Title - Antique cameras, accessories, photographic advertising, and ephemera


A. It is a necessary trade-off to allow this site to be a visual museum of photographic history. I could remove or make smaller many of the images on the site, but this would lessen the enjoyment of your visit. We hope you will be willing to wait a few extra seconds to allow our detailed color images to load before going somewhere else! Much of the information on is found in no other place on the Internet.

Web site design always preaches accommodating the slowest connection speeds and minimum monitor settings. All pages are designed to view well on monitors set to either 800 x 600, or 1024 x 768 pixels.

A. No, this Web site represents the work of one person only, and is strictly not-for-profit. I pay for domain registration, Web site hosting, and use my own time to answer the dozens of inquiries I get every week. The only direction money flows is away from me...

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Los Angeles Calif. USA

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