
The Book Peddler - Homeschool books for home schooling families


Th e year of 2005 marks the twelth year we have had the privilege of serving the home school community and the tenth year that we have been humbled (and sometimes overwhelmed) by the task of writing our catalogue. 1999 was our first year on the internet in our attempt to better serve our customers and streamline our operations. While it is a labor of love, we readily recognize our inadequacies. We have prayed for wisdom from our all-knowing God, sought counsel from our home schooling friends and family, read reviews of various materials in magazines and resource books, perused and pondered over hundreds of pages of text, and considered our options. Finally, we came to the conclusions you will read in our catalogue The Book Peddler's Wares. Our prayer is that the resources we have included in our catalogue will be resources you can use to make your year of home education successful and less stressful for you and your children.

Our primary focus is on service to our customers through personal advice on the books we carry, prompt shipment of all orders, and to offer the "cream of the crop", thereby saving you time from sorting through the thousands of books available. We do not intend or desire to carry every home school book available. We read 99% of the books we carry. If a book duplicates books we already offer, is offensive, poorly written, inaccurate, or poorly published we will not carry it.

We believe: The Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God. God has existed from all eternity in three persons. Jesus Christ was God come in human flesh being fully God and fully man, except without sin. All men are in violation of God's righteous requirements and His holy character both by nature and by act. The central purpose of the coming of Jesus Christ was to pay the penalty for man's sin through His substitutionary death on the cross and bodily resurrection. Salvation is offered as a free gift to all men. This gift is accepted by individual faith in Christ alone, not trusting in any personal work or deeds.




The Book Peddler
Elyria OH
United States 44036



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