
Hey everyone, my name is Carol, originally from the area, and I made this site to try to dispel some of the myths about cellulite. First, about myself: I’m 5’5” and 130lbs. I’m not exactly as heavy as most people that get the stuff, but for a while I had cellulite all over me. Some kinda genetic thing, because my mom has had it too since my age. Plus, it got worse around my inner thighs and tummy after I got pregnant.  It’s tough because people tell you so many different things to do about it. First I heard to try drinking more coffee… then it was avoid coffee… later I hear that exercise helps, and yet others say exercising won’t do squat! Then there’s all the cellulite creams on the market, and who knows which ones actually work, right? Well, after about three years of trying different stuff, I came up with two ways that work about the same. The first way is more work, but is also free. The second way isn’t free, but is much easier. 1.

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