
Genealogy of V. Roy Beals - -


Genealogy of V. Roy Beals

This site is home to the personal Genealogical Database of Roy Beals. This fully linked and highly detailed database is an on-going effort of over 40 years, attempting to document his ancestry and the ancestry of his family. It is a work in progress - and always will be. The purpose of this site is to share his work with family, friends and fellow genealogists for your enjoyment.

This personal database includes over 200,000 linked individuals in more than 65,000 families and 400 years of history. Surnames include BABB, BALES, BATES, BEAL, BEALS, BROWN, CLARK, CUSHING, DAVIS, DODD and DOTY as well as MANY HUNDREDS MORE. Site features search, charts, event calendars, messaging and custom export capabilities.

Please feel free to browse the site for names of people you are interested in or may be related to. However, to gain full access to the information in this site you must register. Registration is easy and has many benefits, but best of all... It's FREE!

We've also introduced a new Online Genealogy Store through If you're looking for books or software to further your own genealogy interests, or even looking for a gift for your favorite genealogy nut, you'll find some great things in our store!

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