is an online independent music and artist community

Band Cage

Band Cage is an online community that makes it easy for bands to get started on the internet.

Create a private community for your band on where you can share pictures, MP3s, tour dates and more!

Connect with similar bands in your area to set up shows, compilations or other events.

Band Cage is for:

  • Bands or artists looking to get a webpage and promote their band on the internet without spending any money.
  • Musicians looking for a band they can join or for others to start a band with them
  • Promoters looking to book bands or artists who need to see what bands are available and what bands people want to see
  • Producers looking for the best new bands to sign onto their label
  • Anyone who likes music and wants to hear some great new bands!

How do I use BandCage?

1. If you don't have a BandCage account yet, create your free account on our Registration Page

2. After you have signed into your BandCage account, you can:

  • Join a band on BandCage
  • Create a band on BandCage
  • Network with music artists who have similar tastes
  • Listen to songs by bands on BandCage


External Links

Featured by on:
16 Dec. 2006
"A "Swiss-Army knife" for bands and musicians trying to establish their online presence."

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