is a network of free expansion and distribution of knowledge.

Who We Are and What We Do

Simply put, we're nerds, if you consider one person to be multiple people. If you're not looking for the simple version, we are people against nitwits designing asinine systems, or PANDAS for short. If you're expecting this to get much more serious than it already is, well, we don't want to spoil the surprise...

The network is designed around the free expansion and distribution of knowledge (not media, we don't give you movies). Many websites on the network achieve just this goal, they're informational. We're not here to make money, we're here to help you out. Therefore, if you get a crappy or sarcastic response to us about something silly that we really don't care about, don't go reporting us to the Better Business Bureau, we don't care about that either (we're not a business, for your information). We believe the best way to spread information is the fun way, which is why you find silly comments and pictures of pandas all over the network.

Domain Resolution

This domain resolves to the following IP addresses:

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