deals in heraldry, coats of arms, genealogy


People spend lots of time researching their lineage and family background. They want to know where they are from and who their ancestors were. Another question people want answered is, "were any of my family members related to royal/noble families of Europe?". If you think you have noble blood or simply want to know retrace your family tree contact Cornelia Bush at At American Peerage Cornelia can help you with heraldry and coats of arms. For genealogical research, patriotic/hereditary/lineage society applications, please visit is the federally-registered service mark of Cornelia W. Bush. Cornelia is the designated Genealogist for the Society of Scottish Armigers. An Armiger is a person who bears arms in his or her own right, meaning a person who owns the Coat of Arms. This right can descend to the Armiger's heirs, and consequently only one person owns a Coat of Arms and has the right to use it at any given time. Cornelia serves clients through her websites, and

Cornelia offers a variety of services to Americans of English and Scottish ancestry, including consultations for individuals who wish to research their family's connections to nobility, royal and imperial families of Europe, or to apply for Arms or Honorary Arms. She also offers these other services:

  • Pedigrees, Ahnentafels (ancestor tables) & Charts
  • Petitions to the Court of Lord Lyon (Scotland)
  • Guidance in applications to College of Arms (England)
  • Condescendence of Proofs
  • Genealogical research and reports for matriculation / differencing / cadencing
  • Referrals to heraldic artists
  • Design input
  • Lectures & Workshops
  • To see what Cornelia has to offer, check out her website

    Before ordering her services, clients will receive a Client Services Agreement; this provides details on what work will be done, how it will be done, what fees apply and what kind of report the client will receive. After the project is completed, the clients are sent a Client Satisfaction Survey, and asked to review the project. Currently Cornelia has a Client satisfaction rating of 9.98 out of 10.00.

    Cornelia Bush


    Cornelia chose to specialize in Vikings and Celts. She is the only person in America who specifically does Scottish-American genealogy. She can even go as far back as medieval times.

    Cornelia's educational background includes a Bachelor of Science (BS) from the University of Virginia, Master of International Management (MBA) from Thunderbird, The American Graduate School of International Management. She has also attended NIGR, The National Institute on Genealogical Research, Publishing Institute at NY University and Non-profit management at Duke University.

    An example of early English Arms

    She has experience with on premises courthouse and legal research, title companies, NY, MA, NC, and research in the United States, England, Scotland and Wales.

    Along with being a Board Certified Genealogist, she is also a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists, New York Genealogical and Biographical Society and Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.

    Cornelia has been a Verifying Genealogist for more than 10 years. She has been trained in verification of lineage, evidence evaluation, strengthening claims via secondary sources, geography of American colonies and Scottish research at the National Archives and in special collections.

    Her native language is English, but she also reads documents in Latin, French & German.


    Cornelia is extraordinarily objective, precise and thorough. Anything she does for you will be as accurate and complete as it is possible to be.

    —William B

    The genealogical product has been superb and will remain of great significance to this family long after I am gone

    —Wayne M

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