
Welcome to Lavendise - vale of the fae (fairies, fairie, faery, fay, fary, feriers, faeries, fae, fays, fees, ferishers, fairy, frairies, fayerye, fayre, fatae, fairye, faery, fay, wee folk, pixy, pixie, sprite, elf, dwarf, naiad, dyad, nymph, hamadryad, brownie, sylph, banshee, gremlin, gnome, cherub, incubus, hob, hobgoblin, goblin, fair family, fair folk, farisees, pharisees, good neighbors, good people, the green children, greencoaties, greenies, the grey neighbors, henkies, klippe, li'l fellas, the old people , people of peace, pigsies, piskies, sith, si, sidhe, sleigh beggey, the small people of cornwall, still-folk, verry folk, tamlane, tom-lin, tammerlane, tom of lyn)


fairies, fairie, faery, fay, fary, feriers, faeries, fae, fays, fees, ferishers, fairy, frairies, fayerye, fayre, fatae, fairye, faery, fay, wee folk, pixy, pixie, sprite, elf, dwarf, naiad, dyad, nymph, hamadryad, brownie, sylph, banshee, gremlin, gnome, cherub, incubus, hob, hobgoblin, goblin, fair family, fair folk, farisees, pharisees, good neighbors, good people, the green children, greencoaties, greenies, the grey neighbors, henkies, klippe, li'l fellas, the old people , people of peace, pigsies, piskies, sith, si, sidhe, sleigh beggey, the small people of cornwall, still-folk, verry folk, tamlane, tom-lin, tammerlane, tom of lyn

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