
Rabbi J. D. Sandberg Will Officiate At Your Wedding 860-306-0038


Are you finding it difficult to integrate your unique ideas or traditions into your wedding ceremony? Has it been difficult to find a rabbi who is familiar with religious traditions other than those of Judaism? Have other rabbis greeted your non-traditional or interfaith ideas with resistance or disdain, or with puzzled confusion as you describe what you want?

Is your venue non-traditional? Do you have unique requirements that might present difficulties for a more traditional wedding format or officiant, such as a destination wedding, or a maritime ceremony aboard a cruise ship, or a ceremony in a non-traditional religious context, chapel or site?

Rabbi J. D. Sandberg, a traditionally-trained but open-minded professional, has been providing couples with challenges such as these with unique, custom wedding ceremonies, renewals of vows and civil marriage sanctifications for over twenty-five years.

Familiar with a variety of religious traditions, both within and outside the traditional Jewish milieu, his goal has always been to concentrate on giving a couple, whatever their backgrounds, the best possible experience on their special day, to make the event meaningful, both for themselves and their assembled family and friends.

Ordained in 1975, Rabbi Sandberg has blessed many dozens of Jewish and interfaith weddings throughout the United States. Trained in the Sefardic tradition, he currently serves as the Spiritual Leader of Congregation Or LaOlam, Hartford, Connecticut's only Jewish congregation. He is President of the Connecticut Board of Progressive Rabbis and Vice President of the Interfaith Rabbis Association, as well as a Life Member of the Interfaith Council of New England and the Chairman of The Ecumenical Fellowship. Rabbi Sandberg also serves as a spiritual resource at the Hartford campuses of the University of Connecticut, the University of Hartford, Central Connecticut State University, and Trinity College. Rabbi Sandberg also serves as a chaplain at hospice and elder-care facilities in Connecticut.

Beloved by numerous Jewish, Christian, interfaith and unaffiliated couples and individuals, Rabbi Sandberg has been recognized by numerous wedding publications and professionals as one of the best-qualified wedding officiants for newly-engaged Jewish & Interfaith couples in New England.

Rabbi Sandberg spends considerable time with new couples, working with co-officiants and focusing on strengthening a couple's marital bond and on helping them overcome the difficulties that most couples face at the start of their marriages. The Rabbi's broad experience with a wide variety of faith traditions has enabled him to serve as an excellent and highly acclaimed pastoral resource for Jewish and interfaith couples and families.

External Links

Rabbi J. D. Sandberg's Wedding Portal

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