
Faith in Action Ministries, Inc. - Bill and Marlene Burch - Missionaries to Haiti - Missions in Haiti


In 1979, I had a dream. I, Bill Burch, had a dream and in my dream I saw people crying, hungry and reaching out in a country called Haiti, 700 miles southeast of Miami, Florida. The same one who said "Come unto me" also said "Go ye". As my wife Marlene and I stepped out by faith and walked the land of Haiti, we saw malnutrition, poverty, illness and illiteracy. We began to do what we could with the little we had. We did not see the hand of God move until I gave away my last $5.00.

As we worked against the predominant VooDoo religion to win souls for our Lord and Savior, we began to build churches in Haiti. We reached out to a little boy dying and it grew into a boys home. The devil didn't give up and he tried every way to stop us. But "...greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world."

We have helped to build a church that seats one thousand people by the help of the Lord. We have built Haitian homes by people giving and wanting to help. One of the greatest obstacles to spiritual growth is illiteracy. It was said in the late 40's that 98% of the people could not read God's word. Our vision is to get someone to sponsor a child, so they can get a good education. We send men to Bible college to become ministers here in Haiti.

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