
About 4HisPeople.org

On this website we will search out and look for those individuals claiming to have had dreams from heaven and who claim to keep God's commandments according to the light available to them. The information will be presented for you to study and research on your own and you must decide for yourself whether they are genuine or false. Please pray for God's Holy Spirit to guide you as you study these pages. This website is a work in progress ... " Ernie Knoll has admitted deceit. This is now showing on the website:

The 4 His People Ministry Board learned of some very disturbing information the week of July 15. This information has led us to believe that though the dreams appear to be of a supernatural source, we now believe that this source was of Satan.

Along with the meetings being cancelled and no future meetings authorized by the board, please know that Ernie and Becky Knoll are suspended from any activity related to the 4 His People Ministry.

Please cease contributing funds to this ministry.

For those of you who read the testimony and/or received emails from someone going by the name of “Candace”, we were able to determine through tracking email IP information, that Ernie Knoll is “Candace”. When pressed, he admitted to this on July 21 at 2:43pm in a phone call to two ministry board members. We have also determined that the “Great Commission Counsel” is also Ernie Knoll.

We urge everyone who has a “dream book” to throw it away, as we now understand that there are mind control elements in it.

We sincerely apologize to all who have read and believed these messages. We pray that those whose lives have been affected, including those of us on this ministry team and our families, will find closure. Thankfully, we have a loving Savior in Jesus Christ who is willing to forgive all who come to Him with sincere repentance.

While we have concerns about some of the arguments and statements made by those who openly opposed the dreams, we apologize to you specifically. We may at some time in the future ask that you consider the unscriptural positions taken, but it is clearly not appropriate at this time.

Please know that all of us involved in this ministry, only ever wanted to serve in the cause of Christ, to win souls for the kingdom. It is our prayer that those who have returned to Jesus, as a result of these messages, will not cast Him aside. While we cannot trust in man’s opinions, we can trust Jesus. Always look to Jesus for light and strength. May He find us ready, when He returns.

4 His People Ministry Board

The above posting was put on the www.4hispeople.com website after the Candace and GCC fallout. Ernie Knoll admitted his sin to Jesus, and Jesus has forgiven Him, and Ernie & Becky Knoll have a new website with updated dreams that give us, God's children, updated information and the call to be His children and to be ready for His soon, soon, soon arrival! The website is: http://www.formypeople.org/index.html

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