Revision as of 06:34, 18 January 2008 by WhoisRefreshBot (talk | contribs) (Update contact information from Whois)

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gs); if (mini.opener == null) mini.opener = window; = parName; var tmpdate = new Date((new Date()).getTime() + 176400000); var expdate = tmpdate.toGMTString(); var cook; cook = "NMseen=yes"; cook = cook + "; EXPIRES=" + expdate; cook = cook + "; PATH=/"; this.document.cookie = cook; return mini; // } } function starter() { myMini = mypopup("","control", "height=323,width=350,channelmode=0,dependent=1,directories=0,fullscreen=0,location=0, menubar=0,resizable=0,scrollbars=0,status=0,toolbar=0", "pop"); } // -->

Some or all of the photos on this website have been legally licensed for Internet distribution. The owner of th is website has purchased the license contract listed below, with rights to publish these phots on the World Wid e Web from N&L Photography. These photos are fully compliant with ISC 2257 Sec 18, and all model releases, iden tification and proof of age are available on written request to: N&L Photography 23 Millbrook Ct. Williamsville NY 14221-4312. License # WWW-STN-MINIPAC#1-003.


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