Life of a Web Request

Revision as of 18:57, 29 June 2007 by Brandon CS Sanders (talk | contribs)

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  1. You tell your WebBrowser the URI that you want it to display
  2. WebBrowser breaks the URI into two pieces, (1) WebServerHostname and (2) resource name
  3. WebBrowser asks OS for the IP Address associated with the WebServerHostname
  4. OS uses the DNS to "resolve" IP Address for the WebServerHostname
  5. OS passes IP Address back to WebBrowser
  6. WebBrowser requests TCP/IP Connection from WebServer at IP Address on Port 80
  7. WebServer is listening for connection on Port 80, accepts the connection and switches to a different port
  8. WebBrowswer sends a text string formatted as an HTTP Request to the WebServer
  9. WebServer generates a response string formatted an HTTP Response and sends to the WebServer
  10. TCP/IP Connection is closed
  11. WebBrowser recursively requests any resources referred to in the HTTP Response needed to fully render the URI
  12. WebBrowser parses, renders, and displays all the resources collected to enable the display of the URI

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