
The Blue Hammer


In the one month and five days since Muriel Spark died, I have read six of her novels and invented a cocktail in her honor, the Muriel Spark. The six ... MORE

he Blue Hammer is a journal of nonfiction of every kind, including essays, reviews, personal history, investigative journalism, humor, and nonsense. It's divided into Daily Hammer entries (little bloggish items) and articles (full-length items with illustrations), though that distinction has been disappearing lately. We get more than 4,000 visitors a month, many of them drawn by the search terms "man tits" and "Shaq's cars." The story about the worst waiter in Seattle is consistently the most popular piece.

The original name of the site was The Flaming Penis, a name superior in every way to the present one. Unless otherwise indicated, I wrote everything you see. Please drop me a line at --David Stoesz

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