Product and services search based on consumer reviews


Summize - Discover reviews and blogs on millions of products -- We've summized 37,773,023 opinions across the web.


What is Summize? Summize is a new way to find and discover products, based upon the sentiments of millions of user reviews and blog discussions.

Our crawlers constantly scour the web to find the latest and most helpful opinions — from the largest review portals (such as Amazon) to the livliest blogs. (You never know where you'll find that gem of wisdom in the crowd.) Then, we crunch and summarize all these sentiments to produce the colorful Summize experience. Why can't I just use a search engine to find reviews?

You can. Your first few pages of results will be user reviews from the big portals, then (skipping past all the splogs, shill, and spam) you can start reading: one... review... at a time.

Actually, finding reviews is not so hard as reading reviews — we call this review fatigue: there are just too many reviews to read them all. The surmised and summarized Summize experience relieves this drudge, as you can see by clicking merrily around the site.

Why can't I write reviews on your site?

Do we really need another site with its own assortment of user reviews? That would just add to the review fatigue problem we're trying to solve. We'd rather see you own your own reviews, to be read on your own blogs. They're your opinions — keep them.

That said, we have some ideas for how you can express yourself on our site. Keep an eye out: these features are coming soon. Do you have any opinions on cars? Hotels? Restaurants?

Not yet. We currently provide a "summized" experience for books, movies, music, electronics, toys, and other products. More types of reviews are coming soon — we're getting there. Check back often, and please give us your feedback!

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Very cool shopping engine. Collects and visually summarizes reviews for various things like books, music, movies, etc. Their visualization allows you to quickly compare things and broad categories like "epson printers vs canon printers". Lastly, they pick out the best and worse reviews so you dont have to read lots of stuff, just quickly get to the information you need fast.
  • posted by Anonymous on Feb 6, 2007, 3:40 am

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