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                 New discovery
         If poles of earth  declination . Pilots well be lost
        Proof it does  not move round it self but in orbit new theory
          New theory under microscope
      I am Mr. Mohamed Abdulkarem   from Yemen very glad to put  my theory for  nay suggest from  geologist &air engendering and pilot before meeting 20 proofs if 10% from is wrong   don’t help me see :-  
    1-The earth photo look like ball in air who can see it 100Meter if it is stop or moves round it self
  2-can we do air station in air .Helicopter stop in air then any city moves down we jump 
  3-The light  & night happen from movement of sun the proof the 4 different in shadow  >any body moves round it self in front off lamp it have one shadow according to physics law 

The air line have fixed for direction ( map )add S& N poles .

SO when plane stop for 5 hours in any country then get off  .The did not change this map ( must be with movement of earth )  I get many CONGRATULATION by 
  If we do not feel movement off earth .But Human been have brain & feeling .He know 
   The four direction . if  it change right hand and lift for country  and cites  ??      there is not   relation shape between air line and
  ovement off earth ?? who believe?? Air is moves with  out proof  theory 600 old ?? This theory well be open new window for our students . they well be see to old theory by hopping ?? they find new discovery in further    

Please help me I need any notice from you before meeting to proof 4 eason or send your nominating to news and translation I Thank sun has 360 orbit I waiting any notice please Mor or for other

5 DISOVERY ON UK PATENT Mohamed alagbary

waste Volcano method it waiting fee from UNEP For publish This method is not new .it is too old it publish in 4/9/199.But it is waiting the financial support fee from UNEP to company which start to get rid from chemical waste in first step. It well be collect the waste every 6 month from industrial country and drop it in volcano which near seas The high power off Volcano is in the bottom .it reach weaker in the service not afraid I wander full why UNEP don’t buy fee to this company it get many money from Patrol every day 18 million dollar every day why not us this money to this company ?? The method is too easy if we put danger waste into mold then push it to activity volcano to 100 meter it absent off oxygen it well not burn but melt. but nuclear waste with passing off time it well price petit it is impossible beck to biosphere) Best regard I have 5 discovery on uk patent

Please help for publsh Mohamed algbary

Mohamed alagbary Yemen Taiz post 4729


Additional Information

==بسم لله الرحمن الرحيم

نظرية علمية على طاولة الجامعات العالمية 

10 أدلة علمية دوران الشمس حول بعض الكواكب

والأرض حول نفسها او مدارها

الباحث محمد الاغبري صاحب 5 اكتشافات في موقع الاختراعات البريطانية

الأرض لاتدور حول نفسها كل يوم والسبب عدم مشاهدة حركة الجبال من الطائرة ولا تقرب المطارات مع فارق الزمن بل للأرض دورة واحدة في العام

الفصول الأربعة      

أدلة حركة الشمس حول الأرض وبعض الكواكب يوميا

(3)  حدوث تغيرات ثلاثة في   موضع ظل الجسم الثابت  في  الصباح في الخلف   ثم  عمودي في الظهر وفي المساء أمام إضافة إلي تغير في حجم الظل قصر وطول  وهذا لا يحدث هذا بحسب قانون الفيزيقا الا إذا تحرك الضوء ( رب المشرقين  والمغربين ) 

4ا الفوارق الزمنية و المناخية بين الرق والغرب وبين كوكب وأخر بحسب قربة من الشمس المناظر للكواكب التلفزيونية تسبح في الهوا لتبين كيفية حدوث الليل والنهار والمتحركة وسائل تعلمية النظرية تعديل للسابقة ( والشمس تجرى لمستقرا لها ) ارى الجبال تحسبها هامدة وهي تمرمر السحاب) الاغبري لة خمسة اكتشافات علمية في موقع الاختراعات البريطانية الباحث على استعدا د لتلبية اية دعوة لثبات نظريته Mohamed algbary

==External Links==New discovery for publish Meeting in Yemen 25-11-2007 in Taiz University New theory under microscope

If earth is moves. Helicopter stop in air. any city moves down. we jump to it. it is proof it does not moves round it self is it??

The earth from moon like a ball in air who can see it from 100 M. if stop or moves round it self If earth poles declination pilots well be lost the direction /proof does not moves round it self is it?? Day & night happed from movement of sun it have 360 orbit proofs the different shadow nay body is moves round it self in front off fixed lamp it get on shadow?/ f I have 5 idosvery on UK patent See mohamed alagbary I well do meeting in Yemen 25-11- 2007

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