Order prints, sell photos and use online imaging solutions


LifePics is aggregating the largest network of photofinishers, providing the latest technologies in online imaging services and infrastructure, fast on-demand local printing, and archiving of images for life


LifePics specializes in online imaging technology, applications, and solutions. We partner with independent camera stores, photofinishing storefronts and mass channel photofinishers, other dealers or portals willing to offer web digital photo services to their respective customers. LifePics offers its partners a co-branded online digital imaging internet sites; enabling local storefront customers the ability to upload their digital or traditional photos into an internet album for long-term storage, to view, order, share, edit, and archive their images. Photos ordered online are "fulfilled" or printed at the customer's chosen local camera or film processing store, implementing the world's first 1-hour online print fulfillment network. In essence, building the FTD of picture delivery. LifePics has aggregated the world's largest network of photofinishers to provide the latest in online imaging services. LifePics is the future of pictures.

The company's business areas include integrated digital photography and web based applications and e-commerce software, as well as licensing of the LifePics architecture to its network of dealers. Headquartered in Boulder, Colorado, LifePics is a privately held Delaware corporation.




Lifepics, Inc.
Boulder CO
US 80301

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