

Teleflora's Flower Club, Home Page


About Teleflora's Flower Club

Teleflora's Flower Club has been the premier source for beautiful florist-delivered flowers and plants since 1993. We have the most extensive network of quality florists in the business, ensuring prompt delivery virtually anywhere in the U.S. and in many areas throughout the world. All of the arrangements are 100% florist delivered and include a total satisfaction guarantee. All florists are experts at designing and style arrangement for any occasion to fit your budget. And with fast service you can be confident that your order will always be perfect and arrive at its destination when you need it. Sending the perfect floral gift has never been easier.

Teleflora's Flower Club creates strategic marketing alliances and partnerships with Fortune 500 companies including major airlines, oil companies and nationally recognized department stores and bank institutions. Through these partnerships, strong loyalty relationships with customers and business partners have been created. Customers can shop 24 hours a day on-line or call our toll free number, (800) 800-7363, to speak with one of our customer service representatives.

Most flowers and plants can be delivered anywhere within the U.S. (including Alaska/Hawaii) and Canada. All charges are in U.S. dollars. Arrangements and containers may vary in size and appearance due to seasonal and geographic availability and design interpretation. The Flower Club urges you to order at least five days prior to any major holiday.

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