Dictionary.com Look up words in the online dictionary.




About Dictionary.com

Dictionary.com is a multi-source dictionary search service produced by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC, a leading provider of language reference products and services on the Internet.

To use the dictionary, simply type a word in the blue search box that appears at the top of every page and then click the 'Look it up' button. This will perform a search for the word in the several dictionaries hosted on our site (see below). If you don't know how to spell the word, just guess. You will get a list of suggestions if you are wrong.

Note that Dictionary.com does not produce all the dictionaries that appear on our Web site; we simply make them available. In that respect we are more like a bookstore or library than a publisher. Thus any comments regarding the content of the definitions that appear on our site should properly be directed to the publisher or copyright holder. The source of each entry is given immediately after the entry in question; follow the source link for information about the dictionary, including publisher contact information.




13428 Maxella Ave., #236
Marina del Rey CA 90292 US


Lexico Publishing Group, LLC
65 Pine Ave, #319
Long Beach, CA 90802

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