
Agenda for 2007.07.06

This meeting is scheduled for 1 hour

convener: Brandon
timekeeper: Ward
vibes: Julia

Done Done 0 minutes

  • Nothing

Almost Done 10 minutes

  • Upgrade
  • Whois Customized Page Creation
  • Whois Record Parsing
  • Hire System Administrator
  • Create Account Goes to Personal Page

New For this Week 10 minutes

Prioritizing 30 minutes


Agenda for 2007.06.08

Framing of the Meeting 5 Minutes

This meeting is scheduled for 1 hour

convener: Ward
timekeeper: Brandon
vibes: Julia
parking: Scott

Pair days: Stephen: 5 Jason: 5 Athar: 5 Arif: 5 John: 1 Vinh: 1 Brandon: 3 Ward: 2

Total: 27

Progress Reports 10 minutes

  • Dev report, progress actual
  • Content and Community teaser

Planning 30 minutes

  • Organizing the cards


  • Stars ... see where the juice is
  • Working Group
    • Chooses story pool for game (narrows it down)
    • Looks at old cards
    • Creates a list of stories so that everyone can know what's what
    • Writes the name of each story big on the back of it so that folks who are far away from it can still see

Todo before the meeting

  • Choose Pool of Stories
  • Write up the Card Titles
  • Print a list of the Cards for each person
  • Reserve the conference room for 3:30 to 5:00
  • Send Morning Of email Reminder to staff (since all are invited)
  • Outline Agenda
  • Fill Roles
  • Talk to developers about whether our metric is the right one or not ... report thoughts during the progress reports
  • Prepare handouts and pens for Strategic Visualization
  • Write Titles Big on Cards to be planned
  • Turn Taking ... some sort of talking stick
  • Setup the space
  • Send 5 minutes before email Reminder to staff (since all are invited)
  • Mention 5 minutes before in IRC
  • Poke head in rooms 5 minutes before to make sure that even those who aren't checking their email are invited


Framing of the Meeting 5 Minutes

This meeting is scheduled for 1.5 hours

convener: Brandon
parking attendant:

There are 10 people here so if all goes well we'll be spending 15 hours on this meeting. How much extra could you accomplish if you had 15 extra hours or 2 extra days this week? Meetings are expensive, so we've put in some extra time ahead of the game to try and make sure that the takeaways from this meeting are worth the investment

At the end of this meeting we'll have succeeded 100% if we have the following

  1. A prioritized list of tasks for the development team to accomplish during the next two weeks with 100% consensus that the priorities are good enough to move forward
  2. Better understanding of the strategic imperatives for our organization

Progress Reports 10 minutes

  • Dev report, progress actual, metric thoughts
  • Content and Community teaser

Strategic Visualization 30 minutes

Stragegy asks the question "Of all the things we could do, which

  • Close your eyes ... think about the last two weeks ... think about the times that you were interacting with the site ... remember what you were doing at various times ... What do you spend most of your time doing while interacting with the site? What frustrated you the most while you were working on the site?
    • Open your eyes and write down your thoughts about what you spend time doing, and what you find most frustrating
  • Close your eyes ... imagine that you've never heard of aboutus before ... on Tuesday of next week you stumble upon aboutus and after browsing around a bit you decide to create an account and become more involved ... it's you, but a newbie version of you who doesn't work for AboutUs ... for some reason you've decided to give AboutUs a try ... NoobYou spends 4 hours over the next few days doing what? ... what frustrates NoobYou the most as you interact with the site?
    • Open your eyes and write down your thoughts about what NoobYou spends your time doing, what does NoobYou find most frustrating
  • Close your eyes ... imagine that you have $1,000,000 ... what would you spend that money on? ... You could spend the money that way, OR, you could try to invest the money and grow it ... In fact, a friend of yours has suggested that you invest it all in AboutUs with the possibility of getting back $2,000,000 in three years ... you've never heard of AboutUs except through your friend so you decide to spend an hour checking it out ... what do you want to see when you visit the site? ... (remember, you could spend it on all those things and investing it in AboutUs is risky, you could lose all of your money or you could double it ... which do you think is going to happen?) what do you want to know before you invest your money?

Planning 30 minutes

queue manager:
developer laiason:

during that time ... what could the development team do to

... metric change, turn taking, topsoil

  • Write user story to remove topright links
  • Write user story to remove User:Blah pages

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