is a marketing and public relations company in Christchurch NZ

About Carter Price Rennie

Carter Price Rennie is a marketing and public relations company based in Christchurch, New Zealand. After over twenty years in business, we have developed strong ties to figures in the media and the government, allowing our clients access to major PR outlets. Our consultants came to us from varying backgrounds, including work in the media, business management and marketing, resulting in a well-rounded team that understands every facet of public relations.

Brand Building and Protection

One of the services provided by Carter Price Rennie is brand building and protection. We can help develop your brand reputation into a familiar name. Through a comprehensive strategy, audience targeting and consistent messaging, Carter Price Rennie can help grow your name.

Crisis/Reputation Management

We can also protect your name. Most organisations will face difficult times, when crisis communication requires complex and emotional messaging. Crisis management is one of our specialties, and we can guide you, step-by-step, through any difficult patches faced by your business.

Internal Communication

Our PR company doesn’t just focus on external communications,
but also assists companies with their internal communication. When a company experiences periods of change (growth, cutbacks, restructuring), it’s important to keep employees and shareholders connected and informed.

Carter Price Rennie can assist you in these transitory periods and ensure that your company culture remains intact during relocations, cutbacks, takeovers and mergers.[[Category:pr public relations

public relations company

pr consultancy]]

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