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National movie theater chain operator headquartered in Columbus, Georgia.



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I am an ex-employee of Carmike Cinemas. In fact, I was employeed for 21 yrs., 18 of which I was a manager. I was laid off after the company (carmike) downsized its operations in the area in which I worked. I am not a diegrunteled ex-employee but would like to warn anyone whom is consdering employement with them or has a family member who is considerng the same. Carmike is one of the worst employers out their. This company is very poor treatment of all employees. Their are some great employees working at your local carmike theatre but past that the rest of the company is HORRABLE. Their upper management is totaly out of touch, and wants to be, with its managers in the field. They underpay all employees and management. The Janitors typicaly make more than the management. They are allways open; all holidays. You as an employee will Work Those Once in a lifetime speacial holidays, birthdays and ect.. While all upper managemant are all off to enjoy. Why am I telling you this because I have lost so much of these occasion with family that are now R.I.P. over a job. But not just any job. The lowest paying, nonbenefit providing, highist profet making company you can find. All I'm saying is donot waste you valuable time on this SORRY company when you can make alot more money and be appreciated some-what with any other employeer out their. I am now working with a company that is ALOT smaler than Carmike and make almost THREE Times As Much as I did working for them. I am off all holidays and have full benefits with compinsasion. I am appreaciated and treated like a professional. I am blessed to be were I am today and dont want anyone to waste the YEARS that I did on this PATHETIC company.



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