is a guide to finding appropriate online awards pages


Award Sites!


Award Sites! has grown from its inception in early-1997 from being the first web / internet award rating service to a mother of independent niche sites that all had their start as a feature within AS! And while its reaching goes well beyond its role as the premiere rating service . . . it has never lost its focus on "Bettering The Net By Striving For Excellence". The following is a brief summary of what Award Sites! and is children sites are about.

Setting Standards . . . for website award and review programs so that interested submitters know the quality of the award relative to strict criteria and rules. Even the award issuing site's overall design and presentation is considered by a highly seasoned and qualified rating panel in determining an award program's rating. There are six general rating level sections (2.5 to 5.0) with separate general and theme menus for the 3.0 to 5.0 levels. Moreover, 3.0 to 5.0 rating levels are presented on individual pages with at least one award image . . . and the 5.0 rated award program pages include a screenshot of the respective index/entry page.

Assist, Inform, Recognize, and Inspire . . . all visitors including those who are . . . internet enthusiasts just browsing, experienced site designers, and/or webmasters by providing additional interesting features...

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David Bancroft
Houston Texas
United States 77040

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